The member's web-site for Thame Flower Club, Oxfordshire

All content on this site © Thame Flower Club

Web-site design in Oxford by iCatching Design Ltd

Thame Flower Club contact details:

Thame Flower Club is affiliated to the B B & O Area of NAFAS
Registered Charity 1101348

Email the club at

President: Mrs Pat Collinson - 01844 212400
Chairman: Mrs Cathy Twitchett 01844 217763
Vice Chairman: Annette Wesson
Secretary: Mrs Jean Barker – 01296 624852 ( 07816 444653 - text only)
Treasurer: Mrs Liz Shorthouse – 01844 261040

Meeting Day 4th. Wednesday each month at 2pm.
Week in the month 4th.
Meeting time 2pm.
Number of Members 62
Membership Subscription £50.
Visitors Fee £8


Committee Members
Programme Sec Lynne Roberts (01844 291807)
Trading/Sundries Officer Mrs Margaret Lloyd
Competitions Pat Collinson
Bring & Buy Table Catherine Pettit
Sales Table Gaynor Edwards
Committee Member Lyn Roberts Photography

Area Website Affiliated to the BB&O Area of NAFAS

Regular meetings are at 2pm on the 4th Wednesday in the month at The Neighbours Hall, Church Road, Great Milton. South Oxon, OX44 7PD. Here's a map showing the location. There is a car park behind the venue.

Meetings are held through out the year and we also have an outing in June to somewhere local, a garden with afternoon tea perhaps. Whatever the Members would like to do!