Thame Flower Club is a club for all flower lovers – our membership ranges from those who purely enjoy watching the skills of other demonstrators to members who compete at area and national level. Everyone is welcome!
Regular meetings are at 2pm on the 4th Wednesday in the month at The Neighbours Hall, Church Road, Great Milton, to watch and be entertained for approximately two hours by the very best flower demonstrators. There are club competitions if members wish to participate.
If you feel you would like to sample a meeting, find the next one on our programmes page and we will be pleased to welcome you as a guest for the afternoon.
We are a very (and we mean very) lively, friendly group who will welcome new members. DO COME AND JOIN US. You can sit back relax and enjoy an afternoon of pure pleasure as the demonstrator’s skills will delight and amaze you.
Welcome to Thame Flower Club
Several clubs in our area have closed however Thame continues to thrive helped in part by an excellent committee.
We meet on the FOURTH WEDS of each month at:-
OX44 7PD
MEETING BEGINS AT 14.00 giving time to buy raffle ticket etc. We are a very friendly club and welcome new members and visitors
Members £50 per year - Visitors £8 per visit
If you require any further information please contact me on 01844217763
Cathy Twitchett